

a bridal shower
a research paper
packing the apartment
my grandfather's funeral
the beach
saying goodbye to the boy
packing for twelve weeks in one day

during the last couple of weeks, i feel as though God set me on a merry-go-round (the old-school kind that are now outlawed for being too much fun) and spun me round and round and round. sometimes it was fun, sometimes i wanted to throw up. even if i felt like i was moving a million miles per hour, i knew his hands were always on the bars. guiding them.

now (as in the past fifteen minutes) he has brought the whirling base to a sudden stop, lifted me off, pointed me towards pine cove, and gave me a little nudge to get started. it might be a dizzy walk there, but there i will be. and i couldn't be more excited.

and nervous. and humbled. completely humbled.

i take that dizzy walk to flint, tx early tomorrow morning. i should be there for twelve weeks, serving as a girl's senior counselor.

whoa...senior counselor? me? really?

prayers are extremely appreciated. seriously. they are needed!

mail is great too. 

expect weekend updates all about PC2010.

love to everyone. have a sunshiney summer!