I have a big girl job.
And I did nothing to achieve it.
The Lord continues to amaze me with His mercy-filled provision that I absolutely do not deserve. I'm beginning to see a pattern in my life. A pattern of Him providing things in a way where there is no question of if I could have accomplished it on my own strength and in my own time.
The day before my soon-to-be-boss called me to set up an interview, all I could think about is having to job search and plan a wedding. Though it was not a source of stress yet, the thought of it was pretty...well...ginormous. Some nights I spent searching the internet for jobs so that me and my almost-hubs can eat every night. Or...every other night if need-be. All of sudden, in about 72 hours, there was a string of events that led to a phone call, a meeting time, a great interview, and a job offer. And celebrating afterward, of course. And the craziest thing is that I never even applied for this job. I see the Lord's mighty hand. And I know that this event will not be forgotten so that He may be glorified over and over again in this strengthening of our faith. What a great God we serve, yes?!
So, sometime in July, I'll begin as the Policy Coordinator for the Governor's Office of Coastal Activities. Sounds more fancy than it is, I believe. And I'm not completely sure what all it will entail. But, from what I've heard, I'm just so very excited!
And, by the way, I graduated. It was a really fun weekend. It just happened to get a little shadowed by all this super-exciting wedding business. Here's a mini photo-dump from that weekend.
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