
looking forward

That blog post title sounds a lot more passionate and noteworthy than this post actually is. Simply, I am learning daily how to live in this 8 to 5 life. In college, I was not a believer of routine [exact opposite of my roommate] and naturally did something different every day. And I liked it that way. Nowadays, in grown up world, it makes that way of life a little more difficult to achieve, but I'm up to the challenge.

You can imagine that I do look forward to the weekend. This weekend, especially.

The main purpose of this post is to tell you/remind you about Secret Church. This semester's simulcast is tomorrow! You can find a showing near you here. We'll be spending those six hours here. Regret it, you won't!

Also, this. No explanation needed.

Geaux Tigers!

In between the two, I'll be babysitting some of my favorite little ones, working on some projects, napping, and facing that pile of clothes that has taken up residence in my laundry room.

1 comment:

  1. I miss college...even thought it was like 6 years ago. I do hate the adult life routine...:-(
